
2020年8月23日 ~ Book6 Unit 30 [Stage12]

Book6 - 120 (A.Q.What skills do people who work on the stock exchange need?)

What do you often need to obtain to be able to work in another country?
You often need to obtain a working visa to be able to work in another country.

Why do people sometimes decide to change their jobs?
People sometimes decide to change their jobs in order to obtain a well-paid job.

What the difference between a parasite and a predator?
The difference between a parasite and a predator is that a parasite lives with another animal while a predator kills another animal..

How a person can get infected with parasites?
A person can get infected with parasites by eating raw meat or fish.

What’s the danger of having one’s digestive system infected with parasites?
The danger of having one’s digestive system infected with parasites is that it may cause a fatal illness.

What kind of language activities do you like to participate in the most?
I like to participate in such language activities as grammar exercise and communication exercise the most.

What do these expressions mean : a) to be on shaky ground b) to be poised to c) to recover d) to rocket?
a) ‘To be on shaky ground’ means ‘to not be sure about the exact details of something’. b)‘To be poised to’ means ‘to be ready to move or do something at any moment’. c)‘To recover’ means ‘to return to a normal condition after a period of trouble or difficulty’. d)‘To rocket’ means ‘a price increases quickly and suddenly’.

Why is investing money on the stock exchange so risky? What ways of investing money are safer?
Investing money on the stock exchange is so risky because the company you invest may go bankrupt. There is no safe way of investing money.

What skills do people who work on the stock exchange need?
People who work on the stock exchange need analytical skill.

predator :
contagious :
terminally ill patient :
be fed with :
be on the shaky ground :
be poised to : 


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