
2020年9月10日~ Book5 2ndGR Unit 26 [2nd GR Stage9~Stage12]

Book5 - 2nd GR 102(In what order are words in a dictionary arranged?)

What is a chairman / chairwoman of a conference responsible for?
A chairman / chairwoman of a conference is responsible for keeping the meeting going smoothly.

On what conditions do parents sometimes allow their children to play with toys in the living room?
Parents sometimes allow their children to play with toys in the living room if they promise to put the toy into a toy box after playing.

Why is the life of children in third world countries often so difficult?
The life of children in third world countries is often so difficult because there’s not enough food or water for them to grow.

What would you do to have a successful image?
I would travel around the world to have a successful image.

What liquids are usually difficult to remove if split on clothes?
Liquids like blood and wine are usually difficult to remove if split on clothes.

Why can engaged couples sometimes be on the edge of breaking up?
Engaged couples can sometimes be on the edge of breaking up because they cheat on the other partner.

What’s the difference between a receipt and an invoice?
A receipt is a printed statement you receive after paying. An invoice is a list of goods which shows how much you owe for them.

Why are some people driven in heavily armored cars with bulletproof windows?
Some people are driven in heavily armored cars with bulletproof windows because they are VIPs and have to be protected from any attacks.



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