
2021年3月11日 ~ Book8 GR Lesson8 [Stage15]

Book8 - 31(How can you tell that a person is on a booze?)

What might be the consequences of consuming excessive amount of deep-fried food?
The consequences of consuming excessive amount of deep-fried food might be serious health problems like heart disease and high blood pressure.

What might be the consequences of replacing substantial meals with a couple of snacks?
The consequences of replacing substantial meals with a couple of snacks might be malnutrition.
repladce A with B でAをBで置き換えるという意味です。malnutritionのmalは悪い、不完全なという意味の接頭語です。malwareなどと同じ使い方です。

Why do some women like pigging-out on chocolate when they’re depressed?
Some women like pigging-out on chocolate when they’re depressed because it alleviates their depression.
alleviate は軽くする,緩和するという意味です。

Do you think that many people treat Christmas as an excuse for gluttony? Why?
Yes, I think that many people treat Christmas as an excuse for gluttony because Christmas party is an annual event where they can go crazy.

Why do you think food in commercials seems more mouth-watering than in real life?
I think food in commercials seems more mouth-watering than in real life because otherwise it can’t sell well.

What do you think should be done to prevent factory workers from getting stale?
I think regular breaks should be introduced to prevent factory workers from getting stale.

What do you think about parents who let their children go out on a booze?
I think parents who let their children go out on a booze don’t have the right to bring them up.
who以下は、let O Cの構文です。

If your teacher told your parents that you came to school completely wasted, how would they react?
If my teacher told my parents that I came to school completely wasted, they would make me leave the school.
後半は、make O Cの構文です。



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