
レッスン回数まとめ(Stage13) [レッスン回数まとめ]

  コマ数 うちGR 累計 期間
Stage1 29 3 29 2019/ 5/10 - 2019/ 6/25 ( 46日間)
Stage2 26 3 55 2019/ 6/26 - 2019/ 7/18 ( 22日間)
Stage3 28 5 83 2019/ 7/20 - 2019/ 8/11 ( 22日間)
Stage4 28 5 111 2019/ 8/11 - 2019/ 8/31 ( 20日間)
2nd GR 19 - 130 2019/ 8/31 - 2019/ 9/14 ( 14日間)
Stage5 44 9 174 2019/ 9/15 - 2019/10/21 ( 36日間)
Stage6 34 6 208 2019/10/22 - 2019/11/11 ( 20日間)
Stage7 47 9 255 2019/11/13 - 2019/12/26 ( 43日間)
Stage8 51 9 306 2019/12/27 - 2020/ 2/11 ( 46日間)
2nd GR 30 - 336 2020/ 2/13 - 2020/ 3/16 ( 32日間)
Stage9 39 7 375 2020/ 3/18 - 2020/ 5/ 1 ( 44日間)
Stage10 39 8 414 2020/ 5/ 2 - 2020/ 6/15 ( 44日間)
Stage11 34 7 448 2020/ 6/16 - 2020/ 7/23 ( 37日間)
Stage12 39 8 487 2020/ 7/24 - 2020/ 8/31 ( 38日間)
2nd GR 23 - 510 2020/ 9/ 1 - 2020/ 9/25 ( 24日間)
GDTB 51 12 561 2020/ 9/26 - 2020/11/22 ( 57日間)
Stage13 24 7 585 2020/11/23 - 2020/12/16 ( 23日間)

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ オンライン英会話スクール・教室へ

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2020年12月16日 ~ Book7 Lesson10 [Stage14]

Book7 - 39 (Would you say that relationships dominated by women were likely to result in marital failure? Why?)

When somebody you know is trying to lie to you, do you usually manage to see through them? How?
Yes, when somebody I know is trying to lie to me, I usually manage to see through them by watching them carefully.


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2020年12月15日 ~ Book7 GR Lesson9 [Stage14]

Book7 - 34 (If you fell for your bestfriend's girlfriend, would you go for it or would you try to nip the feeling in the bud?)

What parts of the human body may be donated?
Hearts and lungs are the parts of the human body that may be donated.


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2020年12月14日 ~ Book7 GR Lesson7 [Stage13]

Book7 - 27(Do you know any international charity organizations?)

What’s a savings account?
A savings account is a bank account which earns interest on the money kept in it.


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2020年12月13日 ~ Book7 GR Lesson5 [Stage13]

Book7 - 17(If you found out that your wife/husband had a secret savings account in Switzerland,what would you think and what would you do?)

What does it mean when a company promotes equal opportunities for women?
When a company promotes equal opportunities for women, it means that women are given the same job, pay and etc., as men.


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2020年12月12日 ~ Book7 GR Lesson3 [Stage13]

Book7 - 11(Have you ever disliked anyone after you first glanced at them, only to find out later that you misjudged them?)

What does it mean when a job in a company is vacant?
When a job in a company is vacant, it means that the company wants to hire someone for the position.


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2020年12月11日 ~ Book7 GR Lesson2 [Stage13]

Book7 - 7(If your boss told you he would increase your income if you got qualified, would you decide to study?)

What are the disadvantages of being on night shift?
The disadvantages of being on night shift are that you have to live an irregular life and that you have to work at night.


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2020年12月10日 ~ Book7 GR Lesson1 [Stage13]

Book7 - 2 (If a person is sentenced to five years in a labour camp, what does it mean?)

If a person is sentenced to five years in a labor camp, what does it mean?
If a person is sentenced to five years in a labor camp, it means that they are forced to work for five years without being paid.


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2020年12月9日 ~ Book7 Lesson9 [Stage13]

Book7 - 36 (Why are so many teeagers down in the dumps nowadays?)

When somebody you know is trying to lie to you, do you usually manage to see through them? How?
Yes, when somebody I know is trying to lie to me, I usually manage to see through them by watching them carefully.


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2020年12月8日 ~ Book7 Lesson9 [Stage13]

Book7 - 34 (If you fell for your bestfriend''s girlfriend, would you go for it or would you try to nip the feeling in the bud?)

Would you say you were a sophisticated person? Why?
Yes, I’d say I was a sophisticated person because I have a lot of knowledge about something difficult.


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