
レッスン回数まとめ(Stage15) [レッスン回数まとめ]

  コマ数 うちGR 累計 期間
Stage1 29 3 29 2019/ 5/10 - 2019/ 6/25 ( 46日間)
Stage2 26 3 55 2019/ 6/26 - 2019/ 7/18 ( 22日間)
Stage3 28 5 83 2019/ 7/20 - 2019/ 8/11 ( 22日間)
Stage4 28 5 111 2019/ 8/11 - 2019/ 8/31 ( 20日間)
2nd GR 19 - 130 2019/ 8/31 - 2019/ 9/14 ( 14日間)
Stage5 44 9 174 2019/ 9/15 - 2019/10/21 ( 36日間)
Stage6 34 6 208 2019/10/22 - 2019/11/11 ( 20日間)
Stage7 47 9 255 2019/11/13 - 2019/12/26 ( 43日間)
Stage8 51 9 306 2019/12/27 - 2020/ 2/11 ( 46日間)
2nd GR 30 - 336 2020/ 2/13 - 2020/ 3/16 ( 32日間)
Stage9 39 7 375 2020/ 3/18 - 2020/ 5/ 1 ( 44日間)
Stage10 39 8 414 2020/ 5/ 2 - 2020/ 6/15 ( 44日間)
Stage11 34 7 448 2020/ 6/16 - 2020/ 7/23 ( 37日間)
Stage12 39 8 487 2020/ 7/24 - 2020/ 8/31 ( 38日間)
2nd GR 23 - 510 2020/ 9/ 1 - 2020/ 9/25 ( 24日間)
GDTB 51 12 561 2020/ 9/26 - 2020/11/22 ( 57日間)
Stage13 24 7 585 2020/11/23 - 2020/12/16 ( 23日間)
Stage14 28 8 613 2020/12/17 - 2021/1/24 ( 38日間)
Stage15 38 10 651 2021/1/25 - 2021/3/18 ( 52日間)

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2021年3月18日 ~ Book8 Lesson14 [Stage16]

Book8 - 53 (Would you like to spend your winter holidays in a place where the temperature could reach 40C in the shade?)

What’s does the idiom beginner’s luck mean?
The idiom beginner’s luck means the luck that you have when you do something for the first time.


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2021年3月16日 ~ Book8 GR Lesson13 [Stage15]

Book8 - 49 (Which amateur sports are the most successful in your country?)

In what situation would you find it extremely difficult to blend into the crowd?
I would find it extremely difficult to blend into the crowd when I wear eye-catchy clothes.


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2021年3月15日 ~ Book8 GR Lesson11 [Stage15]

Book8 - 43 (If you had the power and possibility, who would you turn the screw on and why?)

If you came home and saw your kitchen in a completely sordid condition, what would you think had happened? How would you react?
If I came home and saw my kitchen in a completely sordid condition, I would think a thief came into my house and call the police.
seeの使い方に注しましょう。see O C の第5文型です。


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2021年3月14日 ~ Book8 GR Lesson10 [Stage15]

Book8 - 39 (Do you enjoy watching television programmes about unexplained happenings?)

Do you believe that being an egoist is a sign of emotional immaturity? Why?
Yes, I believe that being an egoist is a sign of emotional immaturity because mature people usually have emotional stability.


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2021年3月13日 ~ Book8 GR Lesson9 [Stage15]

Book8 - 34 (Why are some people unable to develop a mature attitude towards drinking, even though they are adults?)

If you had a terrible hangover and your next-neighbor kept playing the piano, how would you deal with it?
If I had a terrible hangover and my next-neighbor kept playing the piano, I would complain to them about it.


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2021年3月11日 ~ Book8 GR Lesson8 [Stage15]

Book8 - 31(How can you tell that a person is on a booze?)

What might be the consequences of consuming excessive amount of deep-fried food?
The consequences of consuming excessive amount of deep-fried food might be serious health problems like heart disease and high blood pressure.


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2021年3月8日 ~ Book8 GR Lesson6 [Stage15]

Book8 - 23 (Why do some people take a second helping of a meal only when nobody is looking?)

What do you think of celebrities who shoplift despite having lots of money?
I think celebrities who shoplift despite having lots of money want to draw attention to themselves.
despite O = inspite of Oです。


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2021年3月7日 ~ Book8 GR Lesson4 [Stage15]

Book8 - 19 (What do we mean by an alleged attack?)

Why do so many criminals manage to get away with their crimes?
So many criminals manage to get away with their crimes because there’s not enough evidence to convict them.
manqage to doでどうにかして~する、うまく~するという意味です。


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2021年3月5日 ~ Book8 GR Lesson4 [Stage15]

Book8 - 16 (If you were called as a witness of a bank robbery, testified in a trial and then heard on TV the robbers had broken out of prison, how would you feel?)

What makes an instruction manual user-friendly?
An Illustration makes an instruction manual user-friendly.
make O Cの第5文型です。


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